I went to a playdate at a restaurant. This mexican restaurant is cozy with a sand area for kids to play. I wanted Megan to just have fun, but she ended up HATING sand. She squealed, eeked, and was about to throw a tantrum until I removed her from the sand.
I just ordered her some food, chit chatting with other moms, when Megan began to wail. She was sleepy and tired, and probably bored. All the other kids were playing in the sand. She was stuck in a chair. She was torn between sand or play. She chosed the former – less dirty.
I said my goodbyes and hauled Megan in the car. Strapped her in her car seat and jetted home. As soon as I got home, my head of pounding. I was exhausted too.
Then I remembered, I LEFT WITHOUT PAYING!
The mortification that the other moms and dads had to pay for me, was really overwhelming. I wanted to hide forever and never show my face again.
I was like what am I going to do!?
So I went to the meetup site and posted a message on the forum saying how sorry i was and I was going to pay whoever paid back. Thankfully, they were okay with that. 1 really nice mom paid and I sent her the payment!
I guess I need to instill some confidence at the next outting. Or pay first.