I am not a frugal person. I love to shop and find something I would like. But sometimes, I find something I like but I wouldn’t even wear it. Don’t know why. I have tons of clothes with tags.
At least, it hasn’t gotten so bad lately. But I’ve been feeling the itch to shop.
Yesterday I bought a purse. I regretted now, because I don’t think I need a new purse. I still like my old one.
Why did I buy the new one? It was leather and free Express NEXT DAY shipping.
yeah, really good deal. Should I mention the purse’s name is “Pay My Tab.” I thought it was funny. fitting really.
So I’m online again. Window shopping through the pages of the internet. Wondering should I buy this pretty ballerina looking dress when I don’t have any where to go. No wedding, no party, no business gala…