I know I haven’t updated my posts in a while. The food is still being delivered daily. I have finished my first 31 days and lost 5-6 lbs. I am very happy. The clothes are fitting a lot better.
I recently found a Groupon deal for the same $29 a day and I purchase 25 days worth of meals. It was very easy to contact Fresh Diet to add the 25 new days to my account. I was able to select meals right away for the new time period.
I realized that I do like the meals but the meals are beginning to repeat itself. I am seeing the same meals appear every 2 weeks. I know I should try a new dish sometimes but I like choosing meals I am familiar with. I have noticed a change in how I eat.
I haven’t been eating as well as I used to. I’m cheating more often. Meaning I go out to eat more often. The foods are not as tasty as I remember. I don’t think quality is an issue with Fresh Diet. I think it’s just me. The regularity of these meals are making my taste buds wilt. I think I might just suspend the meals for several weeks and start it back up later.