Currently Megan can drink from a sippy cup for water and juice, but NO MILK. She refuses to drink her milk out of a sippy cup. She actually like the First Years Take and Toss Cups, as shown left.
I tried many things today:
Getting her to drink from a cup only (no sippy). She actually liked that. But I didn’t. It was way too messy. It spilled all over her. She liked it because she got to play with the mess.
I also tried using a straw. Didn’t work because she couldn’t figure how to suck from the straw.
Then I took her bottle without the nipple top part, and tried to show her how to drink like a cup and with a straw. No to both tries.
Tonight before bed, she usually takes a bottle of 8 oz. But tonight, I gave her a sippy and she refused it. So she went to bed without anything to drink. Hopefully she’ll sleep well.
So tomorrow, I will try the milk with cereal deal.