If I could, I would buy handbags in bulk. Handbags are so verstile. You use it for everything. But the right handbag could make a plain outfit dazzling. It could make a sexy dress even sexier. It could be a fashion statement or even a class indicator. Whichever handbag you choose, you need to look at quality in design and trend. Most importantly, are you going to use this bag to make it worth buying.
My current handbag obssesion is the cross body. Why? I am an on the go mom. I need both hands to hang on to both of my kids. I also need to tote around my wallet, keys, cell phone and a pacifier (for the 1 yr old – she won’t give it up!). I do need it wide enough to store a sippy cup for a couple of minutes. A cross body bag is perfect for quick errands or even dropping the kids off at school. Too big of a bag and it becomes too bulky and cumbersome.
Which handbag are you craving for?
Ooh I just bought a cross body! They are so easy to use – def. get one 🙂